
We’re market leaders for the supply of catalysts into the ammonia synthesis industry.

The fertilizer industry is an industry that produces various chemical fertilizers mainly by means of chemical synthesis. The importance of fertilizers cannot be overstated, as they are an integral part of modern agricultural production. Synthetic ammonia and urea are among the most important products in the fertilizer industry. Catalysts also play an important role in fertilizer production.

Explore 7ChemTech catalysts and adsorbents for specialized solutions in ammonia applications. We offer customized catalysts and adsorbents for ammonia production processes such as purification, CO conversion, methanation, steam reforming, ammonia synthesis, and more.

By partnering with us, you can increase capacity, reduce energy consumption, improve product quality, and achieve sustainable production. To learn more about ammonia applications, contact our dedicated team.

Ammonia production process

CO conversion

CO conversion in ammonia synthesis involves transforming carbon monoxide (CO) into carbon dioxide (CO2) and additional hydrogen gas (H2) to optimize the performance of the ammonia synthesis catalyst and enhance ammonia production efficiency.

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Steam reforming

Steam reforming is an industrial process that converts hydrocarbon fuels, such as natural gas or methane, into a mixture of hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide through a catalytic reaction with steam, which is widely used for hydrogen production in various applications.

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Ammonia synthesis catalystenables the reaction between trace carbon oxides and H in the synthesis gas to form water and inert gas methane, which safeguards the ammonia synthesis catalyst and prevents crystallization and blockages in the system.

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Ammonia synthesis

Ammonia synthesis is the industrial process of converting nitrogen gas (N2) and hydrogen gas (H2) into ammonia (NH3) through a catalytic reaction. This reaction occurs under high pressure and temperature, typically using an iron-based catalyst.

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Catalyst support media

Catalyst support media is a layer or material inserted between catalyst particles in a reactor to prevent particle agglomeration, promote uniform flow distribution, and improve mass transfer of reactants, thereby enhancing overall catalytic performance and longevity.

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Desulphurisation in the context of ammonia synthesis involves the removal of sulfur compounds, particularly hydrogen sulfide (H2S), from the synthesis gas. This is done to prevent catalyst poisoning, as sulfur compounds can deactivate the ammonia synthesis catalyst.

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