Coconut shell activated carbon vs coal based activated carbon: Making the Best Choice for Your Project

Activated carbon, a adsorbent made from natural materials such as coal, wood, and coconut shells through high temperature carbonization, activation, and fine processing, is widely used in various fields due to its excellent adsorption performance. From purifying drinking water to maintaining fresh air, to heavy metal recovery in industrial production, activated carbon plays a crucial role. Worldwide, activated carbon has become a key material for environmental purification and industrial filtration.

Among the many activated carbon products, coconut shell activated carbon and coal-based activated carbon stand out due to their unique characteristics. Although both materials serve the same purpose – purification and filtration, they have different focuses regarding the source, manufacturing process, and final applications.

This article will explore the key differences between coconut shell activated carbon and coal-based activated carbon, helping you make a more informed choice.

Coconut Shell Activated Carbon Vs Coal Based Activated Carbon

Part 1: Overview of Coconut Shell Activated Carbon

Активированный уголь из скорлупы кокосового ореха is a highly efficient adsorbent material produced by special processing of coconut shells. The production process of this activated carbon includes thermal decomposition and activation of the coconut shell, usually enhanced through a steam activation process to increase its adsorption capacity. Coconut shell activated carbon is typically available in the form of powder, granules, or shaped products, with sizes customizable according to application requirements.

Characteristics of Coconut Shell Activated Carbon

  • Microporous structure
  • Excellent adsorption capacity
  • Regenerable and durable

Common Applications of Coconut Shell Activated Carbon

  • Drinking water purification: Coconut shell activated carbon can remove chlorine, odors, and organic compounds from water, providing safer and purer drinking water.
  • Use in air purifiers: It can adsorb harmful gases and odors in the air, making the air fresher.
  • Industrial applications: In metal extraction processes, coconut shell activated carbon can adsorb precious metals from solutions.
  • Food and beverage: Used as a decolorizing agent in the food industry
  • Other applications: Detoxifying agents in the pharmaceutical industry, ingredients in the cosmetics industry, etc.

Part 2: Overview of Coal based Activated Carbon

Coal based activated carbon is a porous adsorbent obtained by high-temperature carbonization and activation of coal, especially anthracite, lignite, and bituminous coal. Similar to coconut shell activated carbon, it can be provided in the form of powder, granules, or shaped products, and can be customized in size according to different industrial needs.

Characteristics of Coal Activated Carbon

  • Higher porosity
  • Wide range of pore size distribution (micro, meso, and macro pores)
  • Broad adsorption range
  • Higher mechanical strength
  • Efficient adsorption of gases
  • Длительный срок службы

Common Applications of Coal-based Activated Carbon

  • Очистка сточных вод
  • Пищевая промышленность
  • Фармацевтическая промышленность
  • Очистка газа
  • Drinking water filtration
  • Очистка воды для муниципальных нужд
  • Refinement of chemical products

Part 3: Comparison of Coconut Shell Activated Carbon and Coal-Based Activated Carbon

Among the various types of activated carbon, coconut shell activated carbon and coal-based activated carbon are often compared.

Although both types of activated carbon have high adsorption capabilities, they differ in performance parameters, cost-effectiveness, application range, environmental impact, and sustainability.

Here is a detailed comparison of these two types of activated carbon in different aspects.

Performance Parameter Comparison

Iodine Value: The iodine value is commonly used to measure the adsorption capacity of activated carbon. Coconut shell activated carbon has a higher iodine value, indicating that it has a stronger ability to adsorb small molecules. Coal-based activated carbon may have a slightly lower iodine value, but it is still suitable for many industrial applications.

Pore Structure: Coconut shell activated carbon has a higher pore volume due to its microporous structure, while coal-based activated carbon has more mesopores and macropores, making it more effective in handling large molecule substances.

Твердость: Hardness refers to the ability of activated carbon to resist physical wear during use. Coconut shell activated carbon typically has higher hardness, suitable for fluid treatment systems, while coal-based activated carbon, although slightly lower in hardness, still meets the needs of most industrial applications.

Содержание золы: Lower ash content indicates a purer carbon material, and coconut shell activated carbon typically has lower ash content compared to coal-based activated carbon, making it more suitable for applications with higher purity requirements.

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

From a cost-effectiveness perspective, coconut shell activated carbon is generally more expensive, but its high adsorption capacity and lower ash content often provide better long-term value. In contrast, coal-based activated carbon is less expensive, especially in large-scale industrial applications, its higher hardness and diverse pore structures can provide cost advantages in reducing replacement frequency and handling a wider variety of pollutants.

Application Comparison

Coconut shell activated carbon excels in treating drinking water purification, metal extraction, and food-grade applications due to its microporous structure. Coal-based activated carbon, on the other hand, is more commonly used in industrial gas purification, wastewater treatment, and atmospheric pollution control due to its strong compressive strength and wide pore volume.


Sustainability is a factor that must be considered when choosing raw materials for modern industry. Coconut shell activated carbon not only comes from sustainable sources but is also easier to handle after use. While coal-based activated carbon has a wide source of origin, its mining and processing processes may exert significant pressure on the environment.

Part 4: How to Choose the Right Activated Carbon for Your Needs

Both coconut shell activated carbon and coal-based activated carbon have their own advantages and are suitable for different applications. The choice should be based on specific application needs, economic budget, and environmental impact.

Here are some suggestions for choosing the right activated carbon:

  • Clarify the purpose of using activated carbon, whether it is for water purification, air purification, or other purposes. Some applications have specific material requirements, such as activated carbon for gold recovery.
  • Choose based on the type and complexity of the substances to be removed.
  • Consider price budget and performance requirements; high-performance activated carbon generally has a higher price.
  • Communicate directly with the supplier to provide your specific requirements, and they will recommend the appropriate activated carbon based on the actual situation.

Final Thoughts

Coconut shell activated carbon and coal based activated carbon have significant differences in composition, adsorption capacity, price, and application scenarios.


Choosing the appropriate type of activated carbon depends on your specific needs and applications.

Сайт Qizhong Chemical team has all the correct knowledge and application exploration to provide the right product according to your requirements. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time, and our professional team will provide you with free consultation and advice.

We hope to provide you with the highest quality products and the most professional service to help your business continue to grow!

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Высокотехнологичное предприятие, занимающееся исследованиями, разработкой, производством и оказанием услуг по применению катализаторов и адсорбентов. Сфера деятельности компании охватывает такие промышленные области, как нефтепереработка, нефтехимия, переработка и очистка природного газа, синтез аммиака, производство водорода и очистка отходящих газов.

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